Known Issues
- Why doesn't this game work in Konqueror/Safari? They are modern browsers too!
True, but apparently they are still lacking some basic ECMA or CSS2 support; I have tested it in Konqueror, but there where some bugs in that browser I couldn't quite get around.
- How about copyright? Do you have permission to publish this?
Simply: no I don't (yet). See the disclaimer for more information.
- Some lemming animations are buggy!
Yep, some of them may not be perfect yet; I made them such that all levels should be playable, but you might see them do some crazy stuff once in a while.
- I don't hear any music or sounds!
Crossbrowser sound-support is still a true nightmare with all the plugins and stuff. Sound should work in windows IE via the Media Player 6.4 as well as in Mozilla in windows when you have the ActiveX plugin. Also the quicktime plugin in Mozilla should give you sound, or any other plugin that can recognize the audio/midi or audio/wav mimetype.
- Can I put this game on my site?
Yes and No, you can distribute and publish this game, but in case you have a full version only without the graphics and the music since those items are copyrighted by others. The download comes without these items, and you can always add your own graphics and music.
- Can I make my own levels?
Yes, but it takes some figuring out how to setup the levelfiles. If you have nice levels you are willing to share, mail them to me and I will give you directions. In return you should let me use your levels in any future versions (mentioning your name as the creator).